
Jun 14, 2011

Free Printables: We Love Daddy

Yesterday, I showed the new print that is resting on the temporary desk in the master bedroom... it was a birthday gift for the husband, from the kids.  Since this weekend is Father's Day, it seems like perfect timing to make the print available to download, for FREE!!!

Father's Day

Our print says "We Love The Daddy", but the ones I'm making available, say "We Love Daddy" and "I Love Daddy".  As always, my printables are available for personal use from me to you, for FREE!  Download, print, give as gifts, or just pass along the link... have fun!!!!

Take your pick and enjoy...

I Love Daddy Print
We Love Daddy Print

The "Daddy" design is created to fit inside an 8x10 inch frame. Click the link above to download the pdf file, then print.   Print on 8.5x11 paper (preferably white/cream colored card-stock), then trim the edges to fit your frame, slide the paper in the frame, put the frame back together, and your art is ready to be hung or gift-wrapped for that special someone!  If you're interested in a distressed-look for the print-out, here's the tutorial.

Happy early Father's Day!!!

Linking up to The Trendy TreehouseSomewhat Simple and Fingerprints on the Fridge.


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