
Jun 16, 2011

Fabric for the Girls Room

Now that my son's bedroom is completed, I'm moving on to the girl's room.  We decided to go with the twin bed layout in bedroom #2 for the girls (you can read more about that here, here, here and here) and now I'm searching for fabric to make duvet covers, curtains and a few pillows for their room.

My starting point are the sheets that my five-year old picked out a while ago.... they're from the Simply Shabby Chic line available at Target.  We already have some things to go with the sheets - a pink blanket and white curtains (but those curtains could be made into the duvet!).  The style and colors for the room will stem from the Shabby Chic sheet below - light pink, fuchsia, and for some fun I'll throw in a bit of a turquoise-y color.... we'll make it work.

In my fabric search, I came across so many that I loved, but they didn't seem to work with the sheets.  Then I found one of Laura Ashley's ikat prints available at House Fabric.... a little modern and edgy!  Love!!!

And then I came across Primier Prints' Avery Denton fabric from Buy Fabrics.  I think either fabric would look great as floor to ceiling curtains or a duvet cover and pillow.

Now, I need one more print to bring it all together... something bold and colorful to tie in all the colors.  I'm absolutely loving Michael Miller's print, Bella Rose in Pink.  Stunning!!!  And it helps that when I showed it to one of my daughters she said "ooooooooooooooo mommy! I LOVE it!!!".

Ok, now I'm ready to click "place order" for a sample of these fabrics.  Stay tuned to see how this room slowly comes together... a little something like this to start...