
Dec 31, 2011

A Look Back: Favorites of 2011

As 2011 comes to a close, I thought it would be fun to go through the projects that I've worked on this year and post my favorites.  I love looking back and seeing the progress of rooms coming together or projects being completed.... it motivates me to start another (crazy, huh!).  So, here are my favorites of 2011 (click on the titles for details).

Favorite Room Makeover


Favorite Project

Desk Area

Favorite Child-Inspired Gallery Wall

Favorite DIY Wall Art

Favorite New-Found Product

Favorite Quick Update for Curtains

Favorite Question

Favorite Party

Favorite Easy Dessert Recipe


Favorite Free Printable

Well, those are my favorites of 2011.  I'm excited to begin a few new projects in 2012 and share them with you along the way!  Happy New Year!!!

Dec 23, 2011

Merry Christmas

I wish you a very merry Christmas and a wonderful weekend as we celebrate the birth of our Savior.

Dec 20, 2011

Cookie Box Gifts

This week we're doing A LOT of last minute errands, cleaning and baking in preparation for family coming in town to celebrate Christmas with us..... as hectic as it seems right now, I LOVE this time of year!  Today, we passed out a few boxes of cookies to our neighbors to say Merry Christmas!

Cookie Box

To get the boxes ready, we baked, frosted and of course ate a few cookies.  Then to package the boxes, I first cut parchment paper in tiny squares using pinking shears to separate the different types of cookies in the box....

Cookie Box

I added the first layer... parchment paper cut to size (4" x 4")....

Cookie Box

Then added shortbread cookies....

Cookie Box

.... another sheet of cut parchment paper, then peanut butter balls....

Cookie Box

On top of the peanut butter balls I added another sheet of parchment paper, a few more cookies, then closed the box, added a tag (cut using a square scallop punch) and red and white baker's twine to hold it all together.

Cookie Box

The baker's twine was wrapped around the box a few times, then tied in a bow.

Cookie Box

Cookie Box

The cookie boxes were delivered to a few friends on the street..... and now I think it's time to eat a peanut butter ball, then clean the kitchen!  Happy Christmas..... only four days until the big day!

Dec 18, 2011

Gingerbread House Party (and Recipe)

This past week we hosted a gingerbread house making party for the kids (listed on our advent calendar)..... it was such a great party, so much freedom to get creative with candy (what more could a kid ask for!)...

Gingerbread House Party

It's always fun to decorate for a kid's party and use lots of colors.... I rolled kraft paper down the middle of the table, then added red patterned washi tape in different directions and hung red and white polka dot balloons from the ceiling.  The colored plates and candy cane striped napkins were from the holiday section at Walmart.

Gingerbread House Party

Gingerbread House Party

I decided to make the gingerbread houses rather than buy a box for each guest.... I followed the structural recipe from here (it's not actually gingerbread, but looks identical).

Gingerbread House Recipe (detailed instructions at About)
2 cups light corn syrup (or dark corn syrup for a darker house)
1 1/2 cups firmly packed light brown sugar (or dark brown sugar for a darker house)
1 1/4 cups margarine (I used butter and it worked perfectly fine)
9 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
  • Heat corn syrup, brown sugar and margarine together until smooth.
  • In a large bowl, combine the flour and salt.
  • Add the melted butter mixture to the flour mixture and stir/squish together until combined.
  • Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and let it rest at room temperature for 30 minutes.
  • Lightly flour a working space, roll out dough to 1/4" thick.
  • Cut out house shapes.
  • Bake at 350 degrees for 12-15 minutes until pieces are firm.  Let cool.

In the past, I've used store bought gingerbread kits and by day two or three they usually start to lean and eventually fall over.  So, this year I decided to use a box (4x4" cupcake handle kraft box) to help support the house.  I used my glue gun to attach the sides into a roof to form a triangle top, then clipped off the excess handles....

Gingerbread House Party

Gingerbread House Party

Of course gingerbread houses are only complete with tons of candy and frosting.  I piled candy in striped cups from Shop Sweet Lulu.  And I followed the recipe for Royal Icing from Wilton (perfect for the houses..... creamy enough to pipe and spread, but dries hard enough to secure the pieces).

Ideas for Gingerbread House decorations:  Gumdrops, Dots, Twizzlers, Licorice, Marshmallows, M&Ms, Chocolate chips (large and small), White sprinkles (looks like snow), Jellybeans, Candy Canes, Peppermints (red and green)

Gingerbread House Party

Gingerbread House Party

To start, we frosted the backside of a gingerbread piece, stuck it to one side of the house, then continued around to complete all sides.

Gingerbread House Party

Then we added the roof and piped frosting along all sides to help it hold together.....

Gingerbread House Party

Gingerbread House Party

And finally, the decorating (and sneaking a few bites of candy) began.....

Gingerbread House Party

Gingerbread House Party

Gingerbread House Party

Gingerbread House Party

It was a lot of fun to see the kid's creations.  And if they finished their house and still wanted more to decorate, I had cut out angels (using the same dough recipe) to use as tree ornaments.  The kids frosted the angels with royal icing and poured white sprinkles on the top, then strung twine through the hole (just like our salt dough ornaments).

Gingerbread House Party

Gingerbread House Party

We chose to have the party in the late afternoon so the kids could decorate and eat a pizza dinner while the parents talked (and ate a few goodies, like peanut butter balls- speaking of those, I accidentally typed the wrong amount of powdered sugar in the recipe I posted yesterday... it should be 4 1/2 cups.  I changed it in the post, hope I didn't mess anybody's batch) and drank from fun colored striped straws....

Peanut Butter Balls

Gingerbread House Party

I hope you're enjoying the last week until we celebrate Christmas.

Dec 17, 2011

Peanut Butter Balls (Recipe)

I loved Reese's Peanut Butter Cups as a kid (who am I kidding, I still do).... they were my favorite, especially on Halloween night!  Nothing goes better together more than chocolate and peanut butter.  And this time of year, with all the Christmas baking and cookie exchanges, it's a perfect excuse to make peanut butter balls.... they're so easy to make (and eat)!

Peanut Butter Balls

A peanut butter mixture is made and formed into small balls, then dipped in melted chocolate and set to cool... delicious (I have a hard time eating "just one")!

Peanut Butter Balls Recipe
3 cups creamy peanut butter
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter
4 1/2 cups powdered sugar
14oz chocolate (1 bag of Candy Melts)
  • In a sauce pan over medium heat, mix the butter and peanut butter until thoroughly combined.  
  • In a large bowl, sift the powdered sugar, then add the melted peanut butter mixture and stir until well blended (you might have to use your hands toward the end).  
  • Set wax/parchment paper on a tray/baking pan (that will fit in the fridge), then roll the peanut butter mixture into one inch balls and set them on the paper.  
  • Place the filled tray in the fridge until mixture is hardened....... about 30 minutes.  If you plan to add the chocolate another time, move the balls to an airtight container and store in the fridge. 

      Peanut Butter Balls

      While the rolled peanut butter mixture is hardening in the fridge, melt the chocolate in a double broiler (I used Chocolate Candy Melts).  Using a toothpick or skewer, dip the peanut butter balls into melted chocolate, swirl around to coat the entire ball, then set them on wax/parchment paper to cool.

      Peanut Butter Balls

      Peanut Butter Balls

      Peanut Butter Balls

      Peanut Butter Balls 

      Since I used a skewer to hold the peanut butter ball, there was a hole on the top, so I took a little extra chocolate and swirled it around the top to cover the hole (the swirl makes it pretty).....
      Peanut Butter Balls

      Peanut Butter Balls

      Peanut Butter Balls

      Once the tray is filled let them sit out to cool and harden.... then go ahead and share them (or eat them!)....

      Peanut Butter Balls

      Peanut Butter Balls

      Peanut Butter Balls

      Try to eat just one.... I dare you :)

      Linking up to Centsational Girl.

      Dec 13, 2011

      A Few Christmas Decorations

      Well, the tree is decorated, the lights are twinkling and a few other sparkles have been added around the house as we celebrate the Christmas season.  I started with the tiniest tree and added it to the buffet table in the dining room...



      The middle sized tree (I think I've read "The Three Bears" too many times!) is in the playroom.... the kids decorated it using salt dough ornaments, the tags we hung on our thanksgiving tree and newly painted glass bulb ornaments (we squirted paint inside clear glass bulbs and watched the colors mix and swirl- good science and art project all in one!).



      I also added a white wreath over a mirror in the entry way...



      Then I decorated the mantel.... I'm partial to white lights, but my husband LOVES colored lights.  So, we compromise..... colored lights on the mantel and white lights everywhere else.  Actually, I think it looks fun.



      And of course, I saved the best for last..... the big tree!  The tree is in our living room and it's beautiful... I decorated it with silver, gold and cream ornaments and then I strung a few pictures from years past around the tree.  I love looking at the pictures and seeing the kids when they were a bit younger.  Great memories!



      Under the tree is just a large scrap of burlap fabric bunched up around the base (much cheaper than a tree skirt!).


      I hope you're enjoying a little sparkle during the Christmas season!

      Linking up to Thrifty Decor Chick.