To plan the birthday party, I searched the web (mostly Pinterest) for Star Wars ideas and came across so many great sources.... there are plenty of creative minds out there! One site that lists several amazing ideas is Party Ideas by a Pro. After pinning a few ideas, I created an invite and mailed it to friends.

Preparing for the party was a lot of fun. The kids helped during the week and I think it added to their excitement because they had a hand in cooking, making game pieces and setting up everything Star Wars. One of the things they helped with was hanging the Star Wars banner... it's available to print here, for free!

We also hung several blue balloons from the ceiling using black yarn and clear tape (a lot cheaper and easier than helium!).

We chose to have the party around dinner time so families could come, celebrate and eat! We setup the food on the dining room table under the mound of balloons and the desserts on the buffet table. The kids and I sprinkled blue and black circles all over the table.
Star Wars Party Food
The husband and I had fun creating food names, when we were stumped we borrowed other names found around the web.
- Wookie Cookies: shortbread cookies cut-out using the Chewbacca cookie cutter
- Droid Dip: artichoke dip
- Sith Sticks: cracker sticks
- Vader Veggies: carrots, peppers & cucumbers
- Galactic Grapes: red grapes
- Obi-Pop Kornobi: popcorn
- Palpatine Pizza: cheese pizza
- X-Wing Biters: buffalo wings
- Clone Cakes: vanilla cupcakes with buttercream frosting
- Darth Chocolate Cake Pops: dark chocolate cake pops
- Warrior Water: water
- Jedi juice: apple juice

I set out bowls of popcorn on a few other tables around the house (that black and white polka dot paper is wrapping paper that used a a table runner- it's taped in place).

Star Wars Games & Activities
We had a few activities and games to prepare the kids to be Jedi.
- ID Badge: when the kids arrived they each received an ID badge.... they colored Yoda, filled in their information, then strung the yarn through the holes and tied it around their neck to wear during the party.

- Light Sabers: all the kids made their own lightsaber out of foam tubing and duct tape. I wrapped silver duct tape around the top of the foam before everyone arrived, then the kids chose a color for their lightsaber - green, blue or purple (some combined them all) - and parents helped the kids wrap their light sabers.
- Keep The Balloon In The Air: once all the kids finished designing their lightsabers, I gave them each a blown-up balloon. The kids had to keep the balloon in the air using their lightsabers. We played Star Wars music.... they loved it.

- Asteroid Hunt: before the party, the kids and I rolled aluminum foil into tiny balls (about 1", 12 balls/child attending). During the party, I recruited two moms to hide the "asteroids" around the yard while I told the kids that asteroids have fallen on our house and their job was to search and collect all of them. They returned with full bags (and my yard was clean again!).

- Hot Death Star: unfortunately I don't have a picture, but we played a game similar to hot potato. We used a Death Star (instead of a potato) and played Star Wars music while the kids quickly tossed it around in a circle. For the Death Star, I wrapped a whiffle ball in aluminum foil and painted it black and gray.
- Death Star Pinata: the kids and I worked on the pinata about two weeks before the party so it could dry and harden (glue, flour and candy seems to get my kids excited). I followed this video to make our pinata, but stop before she cuts feet for her pinata (we didn't make a duck), then paint it to look like a Death Star. Easy. We filled our pinata with candy, Star Wars stickers and yo-yos.

We ate in between all the craziness of lightsabers and Death Stars, but before the kids left we made sure to hand them a thank you gift bag. The Star Wars gift included a bird feeder in the shape of a fighter plane inside a striped black and white bag sealed with a tag that read "May The Force Be With You".

I also created a certificate to give to all the little Jedi at the end of the party, but I completely forgot to hand them out. Oh well, maybe it's an excuse to throw another Star Wars party!

Are you planning a Star Wars party for your little one? I created quite a few printables or this party and will be sharing them soon, all for free. I hope you have a great weekend!
Update: Here are the free Star Wars printables!