I started with a double-door closet that is tucked in a hallway toward the back of our house by two bedrooms and a laundry room.

Over time came the closet came to look like this.... no good!

It needed organization.... so I took everything out, cleaned the shelves, baseboards etc...
.... and then began the hard work.... squeezing myself inside the closet for a few hours, especially up on the top shelf to paint all the walls black.

Once the paint was dry, I brought most of our coats, shoes, hats, etc back inside the closet (the rest is being donated), plus a few extra goodies.

I bought matching gray suede hangers from Home Goods...

... and two galvanized bins to store our scarves, gloves and hats on the top shelf. I printed labels and attached them to the bins, just like in our playroom (free printable here).

In an open area, I hung a gold frame with one of my new prints (free printable here).
I put my husbands shoes back in the closet (mine are now in the master bedroom closet- another area that needs to be cleaned and organized!). The husband's shoes are stored on a make-shift bench of plastic bed risers and an old piece of wood.

And finally, what I love most, a good before and after photo....

Now that this closet is organized, it's given me the motivation to organize the rest of the closets in our house (and some drawers). My mind feels more organized when my closets and drawers are organized.... think spring cleaning over here!